California Audiovisual Preservation Project (CAVPP)
"The Most Wonderful Show In The World," narrated by Art Linkletter, was produced by Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo as a promotion for a new, improved “Los Angeles World Zoo” and includes a pitch by Walt Disney (with baby elephant) at the end. Scenes include zoos in other U.S. cities and overseas (including London, Paris, New York, and Philadelphia). Old-fashioned confining cages and pens are contrasted with modern free-running wild animal parks and more open habitats for elephants, penguins, hippos, rhinos, lions, tigers, bears, orangutans, wading birds, giraffes, etc. Glass-walled tanks for aquatic species and keeper bottle-feeding, nursing animals are shown. Linkletter describes all the modern features that are planned for the new Los Angeles Zoo. San Diego Zoo’s migratory bird sanctuary and Children’s Zoo also appear. Maurice A. Machris appears with keepers feeding animals. Walt Disney, who was former director of Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo, plays with a baby elephant on his table and makes a pitch for Los Angeles citizens to support the Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo in order to help this dream become a reality.
"The Most Wonderful Show In The World," narrated by Art Linkletter, was produced by Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo as a promotion for a new, improved “Los Angeles World Zoo” and includes a pitch by Walt Disney (with baby elephant) at the end. Scenes include zoos in other U.S. cities and overseas (including London, Paris, New York, and Philadelphia). Old-fashioned confining cages and pens are contrasted with modern free-running wild animal parks and more open habitats for elephants, penguins, hippos, rhinos, lions, tigers, bears, orangutans, wading birds, giraffes, etc. Glass-walled tanks for aquatic species and keeper bottle-feeding, nursing animals are shown. Linkletter describes all the modern features that are planned for the new Los Angeles Zoo. San Diego Zoo’s migratory bird sanctuary and Children’s Zoo also appear. Maurice A. Machris appears with keepers feeding animals. Walt Disney, who was former director of Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo, plays with a baby elephant on his table and makes a pitch for Los Angeles citizens to support the Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo in order to help this dream become a reality.