Hierarchical modeling is a fundamental concept in Bayesian statistics. The basic idea is that parameters are endowed with distributions which may themselves introduce new parameters, and this construction recurses. A common motif in hierarchical modeling is that of the conditionally independent hierarchy, in which a set of parameters are coupled by making their distributions depend on a shared underlying parameter. These distributions are often taken to be identical, based on an assertion of exchangeability and an appeal to de Finetti's theorem. In this review we discuss a thoroughgoing exploitation of hierarchical modeling ideas in Bayesian nonparametric statistics. The basic idea is that rather than treating distributional parameters parametrically, we treat them nonparametrically. In particular, the base measure $G_0$ in the Dirichlet process can itself be viewed as a random draw from some distribution on measures---specifically it can be viewed as a draw from the Dirichlet process. This yields a natural recursion that we refer to as a hierarchical Dirichlet process. Our focus in this chapter is on nonparametric hierarchies of this kind, where the tools of Bayesian nonparametric modeling are used recursively.
Hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric models with applications
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