Young woman sitting in chair holding a cigarette.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Full Collection Name
Chauncey Hare photograph archive.
Other Identifiers
BANC PIC 2000.012.13:053--ffALB
1 photograph
The Bancroft Library
Same woman as BANC PIC 2000.012.06:025--ffALB.
This photograph was made by Chauncey Hare to protest and warn against the growing domination of working people by multi-national corporations and their elite owners and managers.
This photograph was made by Chauncey Hare to protest and warn against the growing domination of working people by multi-national corporations and their elite owners and managers.
Usage Statement
Use of this photograph is restricted by terms of the gift agreement between Chauncey Hare and the Regents of the University of California. All reproductions of this photograph must include both the title and date of the photograph, along with the following statement: “This photograph was (or 'these photographs were' if using more than one) made by Chauncey Hare to protest and warn against the growing domination of working people by multi-national corporations and their elite owners and managers." Use or reproduction of this work beyond that allowed by fair use (Title 17, U.S.C. § 107) requires permission from the Library. The use or reproduction of this work may also be restricted by privacy and publicity rights or trademark law. Responsibility for determining rights status and permissibility of any use or reproduction rests exclusively with the researcher. To learn more or make inquiries, please see our permissions policies (