No. 187 ["Wilson Hall - Gift of Edgar M. Wilson of San Francisco. Wilson Hall typifies the neighborhood spirit wherein ...
Full Collection Name
State Land Settlement, Delhi, California
Other Identifiers
BANC PIC 1966.033:Album 3:001--fALB
The Bancroft Library
Full titleNo. 187 ["Wilson Hall - Gift of Edgar M. Wilson of San Francisco. Wilson Hall typifies the neighborhood spirit wherein men are social beings rather than machines, dwell in homes not laboratories, and lead the old town meeting out into the service of the new economic democracy. From the beginnings of human civilization, the irrigation trench, in Egypt and Babylonia, taught men to work together. Today history is written in terms of such works as the hospital, the library, the church and the schools. Joint credit, security of life, and community health have laid the basis of a cooperation, rich in sympathy and keen to serve. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? -- Benj. [Benjamin] I. Wheeler, March, 1922."]
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