Banquet given to Geo. Birdsall on his promotion from Lieutenant of Police to Capt. of Police, San Francisco Police Dept., ...
Full Collection Name
Jesse Brown Cook Scrapbooks Documenting San Francisco History and Law Enforcement
Other Identifiers
BANC PIC 1996.003:Volume 26:163--fALB
The Bancroft Library
Full titleBanquet given to Geo. Birdsall on his promotion from Lieutenant of Police to Capt. of Police, San Francisco Police Dept., 1902, at the Maison Reich Restaurant, Grant Ave. & Geary St. Left to Right on the left side seated: Fred Green, Pat Kissam, Harry Braig, Jack Amend, Jas. Hayden, Jas. Pearl. Left side standing, Left to Right: Dan Sylvester, Peter Peshon, not known, Hiram Hutchings, Hans Christensen, John B. Martin, Pat Sullivan, Peter Chappelle. Back of the left rear, standing: Jas. Ward, Jack Evatt, Ed. Ring, & far back is Martin Tannian. Right side seated, Left to Right: Gardena, Con. Creegan, Bob Morton, Tom Handley, Jack Duane. Right side standing, Left to Right: Reporter not known, Dave Murphy, not known, Steven Bunner, Jr., Eugene Wall, Steven Bunner, Sr., Capt. Geo. Birdsall, H.H. Helmo, Wm. Coleman, Geo. Collins, Richard Skain, U.N. Bakulich. Rear row standing, Left to Right: Jas. Reavis, Jim McClean, Wm. Heins, Jack Herlihy, Rudolph Rudvaker
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