This thesis discusses methods for improving the localization and mapping capabilities of these Augmented Reality devices by exploiting the structure that is present in many man-made environments. A discussion of some open problems in augmented reality is presented in the context of the open source package OpenARK. The remainder of thesis discusses methods for improving localization and mapping and 3D reconstruction. A method is presented for incorporating planar structures from a Time of Flight depth sensor into a state of the art Visual Inertial Odometry algorithm. This algorithm is demonstrated to improve localization accuracy in low light and low texture environments and maintain realtime performance on a mobile device with limited Time of Flight depth sensing range and limited compute resources. A method is presented for enabling the realtime matching of image wireframes. Image wireframes represent the junctions, lines and intersection relationships that form the structure of the scene. This algorithm exploits these relationships to improve the matching of image wireframes beyond standard feature matching. This method is further demonstrated to be capable of exploiting the additional constraints introduced by multiple cameras.