Amanda Williams is a visual artist who trained as an architect at Cornell University. She is best known for her series, "Color(ed) Theory," exhibited at Chicago's inaugural Architecture Biennial, in which she painted the exterior of soon-to-be-demolished houses on the south side using a culturally charged color palette as a way to mark the pervasiveness of vacancy and blight in black urban communities. Amanda's practice blurs the distinction between art and architecture. Her projects use color as a lens to highlight the complexities of the politics of race, place and value in cities. The landscapes in which she operates are the visual residue of the invisible policies and forces that have misshaped most inner cities. Amanda is an Efroymson Family Contemporary Arts Fellow, 2017 Pulitzer Arts Foundation Design/Build awardee in collaboration with Andres L. Hernandez, and a member of the multidisciplinary Exhibition Design team for the Obama Presidential Center. She has current exhibitions the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and the Arts Club of Chicago. She is a highly sought after lecturer on the subject of art and design in the public realm; including talks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Amanda recently served as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Sam Fox School of Art + Design at Washington University. She lives and works on Chicago's south side.