
Interviews with legislative leaders during the Knight/Brown administrations. Copies of photographs and of supporting documentary material inserted. Issues discussed include party organization and campaigns; California water plan; legislative reapportionment; capital punishment and the Caryl Chessman case; mental health; civil rights; oil industry and politics; education; government reorganization; etc. Interviewees, and titles of interviews, v. 1; Thomas W. Caldecott. Perspectives on the Republican Party and the Legislature: A Prominent Assemblyman Reviews the Goodwin Knight Era. Hugo Fisher. State Senator from San Diego, 1958-1962. Frank D. Lanterman. Crusades of a Republican Legislative Leader, 1951-1978; Water, Mental Health, Education, Ways and Means. Richard Richards. South of the Tehachapis: A Southern California Senator Comments on the 1953-1966 era. Interviewees, and titles of interviews, v. 2; Bruce F. Allen. California Oil and Water, and the Politics of Reform, 1953-1960. Hugh M. Burns. Legislative and Political Concerns of the Senate Pro Tem, 1957-1970. With an introduction by Richard E. Combs. Luther H. Lincoln. Young Turk to Speaker of the California Assembly, 1948-1958. Joseph A. Rattigan. A Judicial Look at Civil Rights, Education, and Reapportionment in the State Senate, 1959-1966. Bruce W. Sumner. California State Assemblyman and Chairman of the Constitution Revision Commission, 1964-1970. With these, 1 portfolio: copies of documentary material supporting Richards interview.


