
Interviewees (photocopies of documentary material included with some of the interviews) include the following: Herbert Brownell. Earl Warren's Appointment to the Supreme Court. Includes Brownell's retrospective memorandum, Aug. 1975, as well as transcript of the interview. Comments on events leading up to Warren's appointment and experiences with the Chief Justice. Louis Finkelstein. Earl Warren's Inquiry into Talmudic Law. Comments on discussions with Warren on comparative philosophies of justice and law, especially Talmudic law. James C. Hagerty. Earl Warren's Appointment to the Supreme Court. Comments also on the 1948 presidential campaign, the 1952 Republican presidential convention and Eisenhower's candidacy. William W. Oliver. Working in the Supreme Court: Brown Decision, Warren and Other Justices. Experiences as Warren's first head law clerk, 1953-1954.


