

Horos, farmer of crown lands at Kerkeosiris, Egypt, petitions Petesouchos, successor to Menches as village secretary of the same village, complaining about the theft of 40 sheep for which he was responsible, by inhabitants of a neighboring village.
Translation: To Petesouchos, komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris, from Horos son of Konnos, cultivator of Crown land and inhabitant of the said village. On the 20th of Thoth of the 8th year, as the 40 sacred sheep which belong to the cultivators of the village and of which I am in charge were grazing in the plains near Kerkeosiris, I was attacked in a thievish manner by Petermouthis son of Kaoutis, a 20-arouras holder, and his brother Petesouchos, a 7-arouras holder, and Petermouthis son of Nechthnouphis, and Pasis son of Harempsous, 7-arouras holders, together with others, and by Petermouthis son of Phembroeris surnamed Patsaisis, inhabitants of Berenikis Thesmophorou, who carried off 40 sheep of different kinds, including 12 that were with young. I therefore beg you to forward a copy of this petition to the proper officials in order that the culprits having been searched for the animals may be restored to me and the offenders receive the penalties which they deserve, and before all else that their holdings may be held in bond by the crown. Farewell. I send this report in order that, if you please, you may order their holdings to be impounded, and, having searched for the offenders, seize the produce …




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