

Dionysios and his wife Athenais agree to sell three artabas of wheat to Petesouchos (son of Marres), and acknowledge to have received its price.
Translation: (Abstract) The 22nd year, Choiak 9. Have sold Dionysios also called Petosiris son of Theon also called Thonis, Perses of the Epigone, and his wife Athenais also called Athermouthis daughter of Apollonios also called Pres.retis, Persian, with her guardian Dionysios her husband, the (afore)said, 3 artabas of wheat at the price of 2000 drachmas of copper … Keeper of the contract is Dionysios. (Contract) In the reign of Ptolemy surnamed Alexander, the god Philometor, the 22nd year, the priest of Alexander and the rest being as written in Alexandria, the 9th of the month Peritios which is the 9th of Choiak, at Kerkeosiris in the division of Polemon of the Arsinoite nome. Dionysios also called Petosiris, son of Theon also called Thonis, Persian of the Epigone, and his wife, Athenais also called Athermouthis, daughter of Apollonios also called Pres.retis, Persian, with her guardian Dionysios her husband, the aforesaid, have sold to Petesouchos son of Marres, Arsinoite, three artabas of wheat at the price of 2000 drachmas of copper for each artaba, the whole price of the three artabas being one talent of copper coin; which sum the aforesaid have received from Petesouchos forthwith from hand to hand out of his house. Dionysios and Athenais shall pay to Petesouchos or his agents in the month of Payni of the 22nd year in wheat that is new, pure, and unadulterated in any way, by the six-choinix measure of the dromos of the temple of Souchos at the said village by just measurement, delivering it to Petesouchos at the said village at their own expense; or if they fail to pay it as stated, the aforesaid shall forfeit to Petesouchos … one and a half times its value. The aforesaid are themselves sureties to each other … Petesouchos … shall have the right of execution upon (the sellers), upon one or each or whichever he chooses and upon all their property, as if in accordance with a legal decision (Here the papyrus breaks off).




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