
Doug Scott is the former associate executive director and director of federal affairs for the Sierra Club who masterminded many complex environmental campaigns in Washington DC from 1968 through the 1980s. Scott was born in 1944, spent his youth in Oregon, and took courses at various universities before earning a Forestry degree in 1966 from the University of Michigan, where he remained for graduate school. Scott’s student experiences included establishing the Sleeping Dunes National Lakeshore, a thesis on the Wilderness Act of 1964, and helping launch the first Earth Day in 1970. Over the next decade, Scott worked for both the Wilderness Society and the Sierra Club lobbying on wilderness legislation, including as lobbying coordinator for the Alaska Coalition, which resulted in the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980. In San Francisco, as the Sierra Club’s director of federal affairs, Scott engaged in broader environmental issues like the 1984/5 farm bill campaign, clean air and water efforts, and the Superfund campaign. Scott worked for three Sierra Club executive directors and experienced the Club’s internal politics. His oral history gives a lively and detailed picture of environmental lobbying from 1968 through the 1980s, including Scott’s strategies for orchestrating grass-roots citizen movements before fax machines, email, Facebook, and Twitter.




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