
Art Goldberg was a graduate student in the School of Education and chairman of SLATE during 1963/64. He had participated in demonstrations organized by the Ad Hoc Committee on Civil Rights the previous year. Goldberg was elected to the FSM Steering Committee, became embroiled in a challenge to the leadership of the committee, after which he was dismissed from and then subsequently reappointed to the Steering Committee. Goldberg offers keen observations on aspects of leadership that were successful and others that were problematic over the course of FSM and the subsequent Filthy Speech and Anti-War movements. This interview was conducted in Goldberg’s law offices in Los Angeles, the Working People’s Law Center of Echo Park, where he offers legal counsel on a sliding-scale basis to the less economically privileged members of the community. It is a joint interview with his sister, Jackie Goldberg, that ranges over their upbringing in Los Angeles and previous political experiences. Jackie Goldberg was an undergraduate, social science major, and active in her sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon. She had a good working relationship with Dean Towle –having fought for the racial integration of sororities- and used her experience as a member of the negotiating team that ended the sit-in around the police car October 3, 1964. Jackie had been active in Women for Peace and was a member of the FSM Steering Committee until it was reorganized on November 8, 1964. This interview was conducted in her brother Art’s law offices in Los Angeles It pays attention to their upbringing and previous political experiences. Jackie observes that women leaders were “neutered” during FSM, and the impact of FSM on her social life. At the time, Ms. Goldberg was a member of the Los Angeles City Council, and subsequently has been elected as an Assembly Representative to the California Legislature. Jackie is the sister of Art Goldberg and not related to Suzanne Goldberg.




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