
Marge Frantz was a staff assistant working for Earl [Bud] Cheit, who at the time of FSM was Director of the Institute for Industrial Relations. She describes her efforts to raise support for FSM among non-academic staff and researchers throughout the campus.Frantz distinguishes the politics of the movement from the old left-–she had been a member of the Communist Party and active in the civil rights movement—and discusses how difficult it was for “good liberals” to understand the stance of FSM leaders. She reflects on her work for the 1968 Caleb Foote Study Commission on U.C. Governance, which recommended Berkeley have more autonomy from the UC system. At the time of the interview Frantz had completed her PhD in Political Theory at UC Santa Cruz under the direction of Jack Schaar and Sheldon Wolin. [Both had taught at Berkeley and were very influential to students during FSM.] Frantz discusses teaching politics and women’s studies at UCSC.




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