The works of Plato, A new and literal version chiefly from the text of Stallbaum ...
London, Bell & Daldy, 1865-77.
Full Collection Name
Selections from the Library
Bohn's classical library
1 online resource (6 v. front. (port.))
The Library
Vol. I translated by Henry Cary, vol. II, by Henry Davis, vols. III-VI, by George Burges.
I The Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phædo, Gorgias, Protagoras, Phædrus, Theætetus, Euthyphron, Lysis. 1865.
II. The Republic, Timæus, and Critias. 1872.
III. Meno, Euthydemus, The Sophist, The Statesman, Cratyius, Parmenides, and The Banquet. 1868.
IV. Philebus, Charmides, Laches, Menexenus, Hippias major, Hippias minor, Ion, First Alcibiades, Second Alcibiades, Theages, The Rivals, Hipparchus, Minos, Clitopho, The Epistles. 1870.
V. The Laws. 1870.
VI. The doubtful works ... with lives of Plato by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius, and Olympiodorus; introductions to his doctrines, by Alcinous and Albinus; notes of Thomas Gray, and a general index. 1872.
II. The Republic, Timæus, and Critias. 1872.
III. Meno, Euthydemus, The Sophist, The Statesman, Cratyius, Parmenides, and The Banquet. 1868.
IV. Philebus, Charmides, Laches, Menexenus, Hippias major, Hippias minor, Ion, First Alcibiades, Second Alcibiades, Theages, The Rivals, Hipparchus, Minos, Clitopho, The Epistles. 1870.
V. The Laws. 1870.
VI. The doubtful works ... with lives of Plato by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius, and Olympiodorus; introductions to his doctrines, by Alcinous and Albinus; notes of Thomas Gray, and a general index. 1872.
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