Course of popular lectures
New-York, Published at the Office of the Free enquirer, 1831 [©1829]
4th ed
Full Collection Name
Selections from the Library
Subject (Topic)
Subject (Meeting Name)
Geographic Coverage
1 online resource (239, 1 , 21, 20, 13, 22, 1 pages)
The Library
Analytical table of contents, p. [233]-239
"Supplement course of lectures : containing the last four lectures delivered in the United States / by Frances Wright. New-York: Wright and Owen, 1831"--[1] p., 2nd count; 21 p., 3rd count; 20 p., 4th count; 13 p., 5th count; 22 p., 6th count. Each of the four lectures (first issued separately) has separate title page, the first with imprint date 1829, the others with imprint date 1830
"Works recently stereotyped by Wright & Owen, and for sale at the Office of the Free Enquirer, New-York."--[1] p., 7th count
Reproduction of original from The American Antiquarian Society
"Supplement course of lectures : containing the last four lectures delivered in the United States / by Frances Wright. New-York: Wright and Owen, 1831"--[1] p., 2nd count; 21 p., 3rd count; 20 p., 4th count; 13 p., 5th count; 22 p., 6th count. Each of the four lectures (first issued separately) has separate title page, the first with imprint date 1829, the others with imprint date 1830
"Works recently stereotyped by Wright & Owen, and for sale at the Office of the Free Enquirer, New-York."--[1] p., 7th count
Reproduction of original from The American Antiquarian Society
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