
Recording of lesbian poets reading as part of Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GALA)'s Lesbian Pride Week celebrations, recorded on June 28th, 1980. Jane Creighton reads "Song for Love Has No Object", "Ceres in an Open Field", "Thinking About Her", and "Naked and Rosy"; Fran Winant reads from her book "Looking at Women" two poems, "Happy New Year", "Letters by Eleanor Roosevelt"; Lorraine Currelley reads "Intercourse", "Midnight Lady Life Flute", and a poem dedicated to Salsa Soul Sisters; Joan Nestle reads "The Bathroom Line", Shelley Neiderbach reads "By Our Light", "Philologies", "Edinburgh", "Morning Coffee", "Women Writers Workshop", "Vagina Dentata", "13 Things That Drive Women Crazy", "Calendar", "For You Now Sleeping", "Elegy for Anne Sexton", "Thanksgiving"; Rebecca Lewin reads "Woman with Halls That Flutter" and "Olivia"; Donna Allegra reads "When People Ask" and "From the Temple of the Goddess"; and Ellen Marie Bissert reads "Sharing", "Ode to My True Nature", and "A Romance." No intro. Originally cataloged as IZ1061.


