      recid = {17519},
      author = {Anderson},
      title = {1- Part of yard.
2- Dry shed #1, uppers.
3- Box  factory.
4- Box factory warehouse.
5- Fire wood; trimmer  ends for local sale.
6- Planing mill shaving pile, storage  for winter.  Pile now extends over creek and is enclosed by  fence.
7- S.P.R.R. [Southern Pacific Railroad] branch from  Reno Jct.
8- Hogs for planing mill and box factory  refuse.
9- Elevated fire hydrant and nozzle.},
      address = {1919},
      year = {1919},
      note = {Location: panoramic},
      url = {http://digicoll.lib.berkeley.edu/record/17519},