For another portrait of Carolyn Fraser Martin, see BANC PIC 19xx.338--CASE.
<physfacet label="Image Package Note">Original component parts: plate, mat, cover glass, preserver. Plate: ruby glass with face, skirt and jewelry [ring] slightly hand colored. Mat: decorative oval. Preserver: decorative.</physfacet>;;;<physfacet label="Container or Case Note">Type: half case. Motif: Birds at the Fountain (Krainik no. 172). Material: thermoplastic. Dimensions: 9.5 x 8.5 cm. Notes: S. Peck and Comapny, Oct 3, 1854.</physfacet>;;;<physfacet label="Marks, Inscriptions and Accompanying Material">Printed in case well: Genuine Union Case, / Improved / Fine Guilt and Burnish / ed Hinge. / S. Peck's Patent, / Oct 3d, 1854 / H. Halverson's Patent, / Aug. 7th 1855, / Assigned to S. Peck. On edge of mat: Holmes, Booth and Hayden's Superfine / Waterbury Conn. No 12. Label (handwritten by collector Margaret Schlichtmann): Carolyn Fraser [Martin] Born: March 12, 1859. Died: July 21, 1966; (in later hand) From 67/62</physfacet>;;;