Content/DescriptionView looking west from above the bay. Wharves and the harbor crowded with ships are in foreground. Telegraph Hill and the Golden Gate are prominent at right.
Bird's eye view of San Francisco [California]: drawn from Meream's model & nature, July 1852.
1 print (pictorial lettersheet) : lithograph on blue paper ; sheet 28.5 x 47 cm.
The Bancroft Library
Variant of BANC PIC 2001.003--B. One of the earliest bird's eye views of San Francisco (cf. Peters, Harry T. California on stone. p. 102). Printed title (LC). Printed (LL): Lith. & published by Cooke and Le Count. Book & stationers ware house, Montgomery St. between [sic] Clay and Commerciale [sic]; (LC): Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1852, by Cook & Le Count in the Clerks Office of the Dist. Court of the North. Dist. of California; (LR): J. Britton del.
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