
This is the story of a family driven to illness and loss. One hears in Neahmah’s voice the physical and emotional pain the war left him with. Neahma Miri and his wife Salma Essa are Christians and lived in Baghdad. Neahma is 64 years old. He was a general education teacher in an elementary school close to his home. The school had 859 students and 54 teachers. They described their life as normal and peaceful before the US invasion in 2003. After 2003 they started getting harassed by unknown people on the street for not being Muslim. They were told “ This is a Muslim country now”. At first they didn’t take it seriously and Neamah needed to work so they didn’t tell anyone about the threats. Everyday there were suicide bombers, explosions, kidnappings that they witnessed. Salma’s sister’s husband was killed and his son had his eyes torn out. These were everyday occurrences in their life. Neamah was approached on his way to work by gunmen with automatic rifles. They hit him in the chest and told him again to not come to the school. When he arrived home his wife could see he was not normal, and she took him to the emergency hospital where they told him he’d had a heart attack, his blood pressure was very high and his diabetes was high. They went to Lebanon and waited 11 months for visas to the U.S. Neamah is quite ill and they worry how they are going to make it. They are thankful to be in a safe place, but the future is uncertain for them.


