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Redwood Region. Big River basin, Mendocino County, California. View down Dietz Gulch from Charlotte Layton place in about Sec. 4, T16N, R15W, looking north across Big River. Cutting line in north side of Sec. 28, T17N, R16W, shows on slope opposite mouth of Dietz Gulch. Logged fairly clean, and burned twice. Dietz Gulch was "tied off" in 1917 (?) leaving many residual redwoods. The great "Comptche Fire" of 1931 swept over this gulch and cut overland in Sec. 28. Sweeping south from fisherman's camp in Big River to Navarro River. 6-16-42, E.F.
Full Collection Name
Fritz-Metcalf Photograph Collection
Other Identifiers
Accession Number: 4468
Subject (Topic)
Geographic Coverage
Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library
Location: average distance
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
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