L is an extensible high-level intermediate language. Its intended application is the construction of compiler back-ends and run-time libraries for high-level programming languages with complex built-in data structures, such as Hilfinger and Colella's FIDIL language. L provides a general-purpose abstract machine, Basil, and machinery for extending it. L has been used to define the abstract machine INFIDEL, described in a separate report. We call L a "high-level" intermediate language for several reasons. First, the target machine of L is a generic processor, or multiprocessor, programmable in C. The "assembly language" used by L is C. Second, L strives to be usable both as an intermediate language and a programming language. The typical extension of L is expected to have a large run-time library, also written in L. Many operators in the extended abstract machine are implemented by function calls to this library.