

Various social and leisure activities in the Monterey area; chiefly golf (and mostly women golfers) (B6187-B6201, B6207-6218, B6220-B6251, B6252-B6262). Also includes Oliver Hardy (B6202), swimming and sunbathing (B6219), Ty Cobb (B6222A), and the annual Bal Masque poster for 1935 (B6252). Identifications transcribed from original sleeve annotations follow. (There may be multiple images for any one transcribed entry): Don Paget; Ted Fogeroth; Bill Jellefy; Morrison; Mike DeMassey; Morrison (Fred); Mary Ellis, Lou Rue, Hart Leon, Ann McNaughton; Don Edwards; Mrs. Robert Roos, B. Morse; Mrs. J. Stevens, Mary Stevens; Mrs. J.A. Alson; Oliver Hardy; Barbara Kellogg, Muriel Gordon (Beverly Hills); Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamlin; Joyce Wethred, Peter Hay; Ms Mysons (Sacramento); Mrs. Jo Lesheis; Mrs. Henry Winn; Rosland Simms, Julia Keenan; Mary Joyce; Evelyn Slots; Mrs. Stanley Keats, Ms W. Wangler; Mrs. G.B. Mugridge; Mary Jane Mills, Bobbie Walker; Mrs. Bellew; Ruth Justin, Norma Shead; Jack Doep; Roger Kelly, Ernie Pieper; W.B. Newsome; John Fairence Jr., Frank Doep; Don Kennedy, Russell Hampson, Stuart Howley, Golf, Gordon K Smith, K Boocock (Babcock?); Ernie Combs; Gloria Gallended; Mrs. Willard Sheppard; Mrs. Willard Sheppard; Mr. and Mrs. Leyday (Chester); Virginia Valentine; Mrs. Frank Elliott, Corina; Mrs. W.S. Buchnel , Babesfield; Barbara Ransons Stretton; Mrs. Jo Manning Dalsland - A Swing; Mrs. Cosmos Bellew; Harry Westbrock, Willard Shephard, J.K. Stevens; Rufus Spalding, Mary Bushland, S.W. Foisman; Milton Latham; Don Edwards, Ernie Pieper; Don Edwards; Mrs. W.S. Bushnel; R. Setzalsian, E.J. Rake, Sam Rafael; Paul Gardner; Ernie Pieper, A. Edwards; Miss Stanley Kertes, W. Wanger (L.A.); Thelma Rofer, Phoenix Amy; Don Edwards, Ernie Pieper; Don Edwards, Ernie Pieper; Don Edwards, Ernie Pieper; Frank Hixon; winning poster (Bal Masque ball?); Jack Gaines; golfer; Ernie Pieper; Don Edwards; Clara Gallender, Barbara Ransom, Mary Neayne, C.B. Mugbridge; Ruth Justin; C.K. Belleur; Barbara Ransom Stretton; C.B. Mugbridge.




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