Harvey Suzuki is manager of the poultry farm of L. L. Logan in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, about 25 miles from ...
Full Collection Name
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945 circa 1941-1947
Other Identifiers
WRA no. I-311
The Bancroft Library
Full title:Harvey Suzuki is manager of the poultry farm of L. L. Logan in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, about 25 miles from Philadelphia. With Mrs. Suzuki, the former Grace Takahashi of Berkeley, Calif., he relocated in December 1943 from the Colorado River Relocation Center to a poultry farm at Ocean View, Delaware. They went from there to the Kennett Square poultry farm in July, 1944. Mrs. Suzuki is employed as an optometrist's assistant in nearby Wilmington, Delaware. Both Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki attended the University of California at Berkeley, where Mrs. Suzuki studied optometry and Mr. Suzuki majored in agricultural economics. After graduation Mr. Suzuki did farming and fruit packing in Brawley, California. He was a supervisor of truck crops at Colorado River. Mr. Suzuki is a brother of the Rev. Lester Suzuki of the Des Moines Hostel. Mrs. Suzuki is a sister of Dr. William N. Takahashi, formerly on the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley, who is now studying plant pathology at the University of Rochester under a fellowship from the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.<lb /> Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb /> Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
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