Mrs. Yoshiye Abe is an employee of the Flag and Decorating Company, 1848 Lawrence Street, Denver, Colorado. A former resident ...
Full Collection Name
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945 circa 1941-1947
Other Identifiers
WRA no. B-376
The Bancroft Library
Full title:Mrs. Yoshiye Abe is an employee of the Flag and Decorating Company, 1848 Lawrence Street, Denver, Colorado. A former resident of Los Angeles, California, she was evacuated to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, with her husband Danar Abe, who was released to work in the beet harvest in the Longmont Area, earl in October, 1942. He is now working as a houseman in the Albany Hotel in Denver. Mrs. Abe's parents and two brothers are in Poston. A third brother is working as a chicks sexer in St. Louis. She hopes that some day, a flag on which she has worked may be carried by a victorious American Army in Tokio or Berlin. She was born in Fresno, California and attended the Fresno schools. Her husband was a produce man. She has been working for the Paradice Company since February 1, 1943.<lb /> Photographer: Stewart, Francis<lb /> Denver, Colorado.
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
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