Sukemon Itami, 69-year-old father of Meddy and Shigeo, has his picture taken by the service star flag in the greenhouse ...
Full Collection Name
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945 circa 1941-1947
Other Identifiers
WRA no. -902
The Bancroft Library
Full title:Sukemon Itami, 69-year-old father of Meddy and Shigeo, has his picture taken by the service star flag in the greenhouse window. Three sons and a son-in-law have been in the service, one recently receiving a medical discharge. Caucasian neighbors have been very friendly since the Itamis returned, and while these pictures were being taken, the woman stopped to ask for the addresses of the boys overseas. Mr. Itami reports that many sailors, sons of neighbors have stopped in to inquire about his sons, so that they may write to them. The two boys who are overseas met in France and wrote home that they were able to get together for a good chinfest on family news. Neither son knew the other was in the vicinity. The Itamis were at the Heart Mountain Center.<lb /> Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb /> Portland, Oregon.
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
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