Mrs. Fred Mittwer, who writes under the name of Mary Oyama, relocated in Denver from Heart Mountain in January, 1943. ...
Full Collection Name
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945 circa 1941-1947
Other Identifiers
WRA no. I-149
The Bancroft Library
Full title:Mrs. Fred Mittwer, who writes under the name of Mary Oyama, relocated in Denver from Heart Mountain in January, 1943. Mrs. Mittwer is the author of the article My only Crime is my Face, which appeared in the August, 1943, issue of Liberty Magazine. She has directed her writing ability in the past two years toward attempting to break down misconceptions on the part of Caucasians concerning Japanese in this country. Mrs. Mittwer is a former resident of Los Angeles, from where she was evacuated to the Santa Anita Assembly Center. After spending four and one-half months at Santa Anita she was moved to Heart Mountain. Before Pearl Harbor she was a frequent contributor to the English section of Japanese newspapers. She has three brothers, all of whom have relocated, all of whom are of draft age, and all of whom expect to enter some branch of the armed forces soon. Mrs. Mittwer is married and the mother of two small children.<lb /> Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb /> Denver, Colorado.
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
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