Miss Fuji Fujikawa, who has relocated to Philadelphia where she works for an art advertising company doing silk screen poster ...
Full Collection Name
War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement, 1942-1945 circa 1941-1947
Other Identifiers
WRA no. I-21
The Bancroft Library
Full title:Miss Fuji Fujikawa, who has relocated to Philadelphia where she works for an art advertising company doing silk screen poster layouts. Fuji is well remembered at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center where she headed the silk screen project, and besides providing posters for the center she completed several contracts for posters for the United States Navy. Fuji likes Philadelphia and plans to remain there permanently. She hopes to bring her mother, Mrs. Chiye Fujikawa, who still lives at the Heart Mountain Center, back to Philadelphia as soon as she is sure of her job. The family formerly lived in Sacramento and Hollywood. Fuji attended the Los Angeles City College, where she majored in art and social science.<lb /> Photographer: Parker, Tom<lb /> Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
Part of: War Relocation Authority Photographs of Japanese-American Evacuation and Resettlement
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