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Second growth redwood for poles. This pole was set on a trap line to the San Mateo county quarry. The poles were furnished by the subscriber and were of a very rough, much tapered type. Although set in 1924, the pole was stubbed in 1928, although from examination, Assistant Engineer C. E. Young thought that the stubbing was not necessary as the area of heartwood remaining after the sap had decayed was sufficient to maintain the pole. However, this pole was heavily loaded with swithch mechanism. E.F., Feb. 1929
Full Collection Name
Fritz-Metcalf Photograph Collection
Other Identifiers
Accession Number: 5004
Geographic Coverage
Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library
Location: close study
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
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