one person present, name unknown
Araucaria Brasiliensis. [Inside of card reads:] "Best wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Ynez Mexia. December first, 1930. Greetings from the southland to Dr. Metcalf from Ynes Mexia. Have been collecting in eastern central Brazil, sub-tropical zone, for nearly a year now. I hope to reach the eastern slope of the Andes, either in Bolivia or Peru later. That must be wonderful country but they seem to be having disturbances in those regions at present. The Brazilian Revolution affected this part of Minas Gerais only by stopping train service so we had no communications with the outside world for a month. I hope your work goes well and would be glad to hear from you. If you have any pictures of Sequoias would be glad to have a few to show the people down here. Y. M."
Full Collection Name
Fritz-Metcalf Photograph Collection
Other Identifiers
Accession Number: 2977b
Subject (Topic)
Geographic Coverage
Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library
Location: average distance
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
Identification: exact ground location unclear, appears unknowable
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