Miao hui Zhongguo zheng fu zhi chi Meiguo hei ren min quan yun dong de jing xiang.
Zhongguo gong chan dang zhong yang wei yuan hui zhu xi Mao Zedong tong zhi zhi chi Meiguo hei ren kang bao dou zheng de sheng ming, 1968 nian 4 yue 16 ri 中国共产党中央委员会主席毛泽东同志支持美国黑人抗暴斗争的声明, 一九六八年四月十六日
The evil system of colonialism and imperialism arose and throve with the enslavement of negroes and the trade in negroes, and it will surely come to its end with the complete emancipation of the black people.
Shanghai, Shanghai ren min mei shu chu ban she, 1968. 上海, 上海人民美术出版社, 1968.
Di 1 ban. 第1版.
Full Collection Name
Chinese Political Posters from China's Cultural Revolution
Ann Tompkins (Tang Fandi) and Lincoln Cushing Chinese Poster Collection.
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